Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Update: 7/25/14
Hello friends,
My fundraising has been completely finished!  The bake sale that I held at my church was wonderful, and everyone was very generous.  My entire trip is funded!  Praise the Lord :)

Just a few more weeks to go!

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I just wanted to share how blessed I feel tonight as I calculate my fundraising thus far.  Wow!  God sure has been faithful in this.  I'm already more than 3/4 of the way to my goal of $4,350!

Thank you to all of the friends and family members that have donated to me.  Not only does it help me offset the cost of this trip, it also makes me feel loved and encouraged. 

I have a bake sale at my church coming up in two weeks, and I have no doubt that God will continue to show me blessings that day.  It truly is amazing how He has opened doors and set everything into place for this trip.