Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Just an update

Hello everyone! I have some free time tonight so I thought I'd write a little update.
Things are going well. Class has been wonderful. Last week our topics were Hearing God's Voice and Bible Meditation, and this week our topic is Spiritual Warfare. Our speaker has the most amazing life stories! 

We are all settling into our routine here. This week we started doing community work duties. Several days during the week, every person who is living here comes together to do work duty. My first day I helped pull weeds by some of the houses. My second day I helped spread chicken manure around a corn field....with my bare hands...gloves are a luxury here, people! 

We are learning to wash our clothes in small amounts, whenever we have time, since we have to hand wash everything.

We also started being put on the cooking rotary, as they call it here. Every day a few people who are taking classes here must help the kitchen leaders with lunch and dinner prep. A few others will do the cleaning. It's a great way to make sure everyone is involved in helping the community run smoothly. Tonight I peeled a bunch of very green bananas, which were boiled and mashed to make a Ugandan dish called Motoke. It was pretty good! Us white girls were pretty slow at peeling the bananas, with a dull knife..the Africans are much better at it. We were humbled.

Other than that...the water still runs out almost every day. I have new bug bites every day, as well. But I'm very much enjoying my time here!

The Lord has blessed me because the base has two German shepherds that live on the property, and they remind me of home. One of them loves to play fetch with rocks :)

As we go into the weekend and the start of next week, I request prayers for my fellow classmates that are still fundraising. We have faith that God will provide for everyone to stay with us when school fees are due on Monday!