Friday, May 15, 2015

YWAM Dar es Salaam

Yesterday was the longest day I have had in quite some time!  We got up at 3:30am and left the Hope Land base around 4:15am.  We got to Entebbe airport very quickly, arriving around 7am.  After a few hours there, we found out that our flight was canceled, and there were not many options for everyone to get seats on other flights.  

Fast forward about 10 hours of sitting at the cafe in the airport, and three of our group of six left on one flight.  Another hour later the other three of us left on a different flight.  On the bright side, I got to pass through Nairobi airport, and it was beautiful!

Around 12:30am the three of us who went through Nairobi arrived in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.  Around 3am the others in our group arrived.  Eventually we found our way to a hotel for the morning.  

Then we split again, with me and my Ugandan boss Julius getting a car to the YWAM base and the others getting a car to the ferry that will take them to Zanzibar until Monday. 

The base here in Dar es Salaam is very quaint, a much smaller community than Hope Land.

We won't have an official tour and such until the others arrive on Monday, but from what I can tell by talking to some people and walking around, they only have a DTS (right now 8 students), a VTS (but the students don't live on the base), offices, housing, a preschool, a primary school, and a clinic.  But just from looking at these buildings, it seems like each one is well organized and that their funds go further because their efforts are concentrated.

Julius and I will find things to do tomorrow and Sunday, and then when the rest of the team arrives on Monday we can start observing the vocational training school here.  I'm excited to see what they're doing and how they're teaching, and to bring ideas from this base back to Hope Land!

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